Tuesday, September 4, 2012

gray hair

I recently found my first gray hair (that I know of) the other day. I know I am 30 now and am definitely of age to get gray, but I am sure it the past year happenings that are to blame. Other than husband getting a new job in far away land, then commuting for 2 months (leaving daughter and I traumatized with each departure), us moving to far away and strange land of North Dakota, and experiencing crazy cold and winds (that can literally blow you off your feet), delivering a beautiful baby in a small town (with a doctor I have met twice), then hubby getting another job (still in the stange land)...what I think really brought the gray out in me was when Ivy got sick with RSV. I have worked with many parents whose kids are very sick and in the hospital for months at a time, and I knew it must be difficult for them, but I really had no idea just how difficult and heart wrentching it would be. Ivy was only hospitalized for 3 days, but the days felt like an eternity and my heart and body have never been so sick. How thankful I am for the Gospel, the Priesthood, and wonderful perspective the Plan of Salvation brings in times of trial. For all of the above, I feel like my gray hair is more than just a sign of age but a sign of experience and relief and comfort knowing that we have made it through, what to me feels like, "a lot".

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Such a sad little picture, but she still looks beautiful!! And I'll need to see your "gray hair" in person so that you can prove to me that you're going gray. :) Although, I do not doubt that the last year has caused you some serious stress and anxiety. You are such a good wife and mommy!!